Avoid Double Taxation on Payroll and Social Security

We can determine whether the employment of foreign nationals in Germany is exempt from payroll taxes and social security contributions!

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Payroll and Social Security Taxes Abroad

Foreign Nationals Working in Germany

Is your company looking to send some of its overseas employees to Germany? If so, you’ll need to figure out in which country and during which periods you have to file payroll and social security taxes.

Are your employees subject to limited or unlimited tax liability? Where should the wages be taxed per double taxation agreements? In which country and under which conditions are your employees subject to social security contributions?

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Sending Employees Abroad

Are you a company looking to send your employees to work abroad inside or outside the EU? In this case, you need to clarify when and where your employees are subject to payroll tax. Can they continue to be insured in Germany? Does German social security cover them while they are abroad, both inside and outside the EU?

The Consulting Services We Offer

Our custom-tailored guidance helps you maximize efficiency while optimizing your tax liability:
