Minimizing Entrepreneurial Risk

A business plan is a management tool for you and a meaningful document for the presentation of your business idea to others.

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Business Plan

Successfully Navigate Investment Negotiations with a Business Plan

A business plan has quickly become one of the most important requirements for funding negotiations with potential investors such as banks, private investors, or investment companies. We can prepare a business plan for you.

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Business Plan as Guide

A complete business plan requires a detailed description of how the business idea will be successfully implemented. The entrepreneur can significantly reduce their risk by listing underlying assumptions and open questions.

The Consulting Services We Offer

Our custom-tailored guidance helps you maximize efficiency while optimizing your tax liability:


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As your tax advisor, we have an overview of the entire tax landscape, not merely your business’s current financials. That allows us to show you the big picture.


Digitalization will be essential for businesses that hope to survive in the highly competitive markets of tomorrow. We would be happy to work with you to digitalize your tax processes.